Journal title ARRUS Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Abbreviation ARRUS J. Soc. Sci. Hum.
ISSN 2776-7930 (Print) / 2807-3010 (Online)
Frequency 6 issues per year
Publish Mode Publish-as-you-go
DOI prefix 10.35877
Business Model Open Access (OA), Author-pays
Organized / Collaboration PT ARRUS Intelektual Indonesia
Editors see Editorial Team
Citation Analysis Scopus | Web of Science | Google Scholar


Welcome to the Open Journal System of ARRUS Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (JSosHum). We are pleased to inform you, JSosHum is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles through fair quality control. We understand that authors need a facility for their paper and readers to expect reliable information from this journal. Therefore, our editorial team and reviewers strive to maintain the quality and ethics in authorship and publishing of all articles. In principle, we manage to provide the best service for the research community. We would like to accommodate and respond to any questions you have about the direction and content of JSosHum. We hope that this journal will become a source of insight and new inspiration for further research.

The journal applies a "publish-as-you-go" procedure to first publish a manuscript title that has been reviewed and declared acceptable in this journal.

For each issue that states it, we provide a description of "ONLINE FIRST" on each issue.

The issue will be published along with the galley article after it reaches its intended publication schedule.

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Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025)
Published: 2025-02-07

Authors Statistics

Countries Count
Indonesia 36


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